To be honest I don't remember the beginning of my junior year at all. BUT, this is my sad attempt at reminiscing.. if you can call it that. It's sad cause I'm just going to list what i remember
- FIRST DAY OF JUNIOR YEAR- don't remember it at all. honestly.
Okay. I'm going to stop this list thing cause i can already tell its going to fail miserably, so here come long and random blurbs on what I DO remember.
Study sessions for Bio AP, they started out productive but soon just lead to.... me drawing caricatures of people, catching flies with my hands, guys complaining about girls (when the girls weren't there) and everyone doing everything but bio, and apush. But these "study sessions" met their slow demise as a certain event/person came along. If you're reading this, I hope you're at least a little close to me, THIS IS PERSONAL STUFF MAN! So going along with my hopes, i won't talk about this event/person here. If you know, you know. BUT i will tell you the lesson i learned from it: Never let love get in the way of your friendships. NO i wasn't in love, its just a generalization. Whatever. You get the point. That's what stopped our study sessions, and the aftermath that followed, was nothing close to worth it.
AM LIT HONORS. What a story. In the weeks before the first day of school, my head almost exploded trying to decide whether or not i should drop lit honors and take regular lit. New me would beat old me with a fat stick for even thinking such thoughts. From the mouth of Elliot Yamin, " One word, all i can say is amazing." Ha, how cheesy. I learned more, and laughed more in this class than any previous class. None even come close. Not only from the teacher, but from the environment, fellow students, and those few child prodigies. What did i learn? Yoga positions. Offensive hand signals. The worst swear words. The woes of the Korean race. The extent to which girls will go to attack each other. How to survive the most awkward situations ever. Yea, theres still a lot more but for the sake of your time, and mine, I'll stop. I DID actually learn a lot of stuff about literature, but who wants to hear about that stuff (no one, if you do, leave now).
BIOLOGY AP. I'll start off by warning any female not to read this. WHAT A FREAKIN' FUN CLASS. BOOTYLICIOUS. checking out the teacher (NOT ME)
____: "uhhhhhhh...."
Sticking papers with vulgar phrases on people's backs, how mature of us.
" I like them big and black" (On someone's back)
Ms Tsai walks by.... "OH MY, NO BOYS YOU CAN'T DO THIS"
HAHAHAHA i'm laughing just thinking of this stuff.
Whew, I think I got the long stuff out of the way. Now just random thoughts.
Waking up early and getting together to get ready on rally days. Face paint, hairspray, and matching clothes.
Shaving my head... worst decision ever, but i am considering a mohawk after senior portraits.
I hate to not continue on with this post, but my head hurts from trying to recall everything that happened. ERGO... I'm done with this reminiscing mojojo.
Memories are best recalled spontaneously, in the near(or far) future, with the people you made them with. I'll leave it that way.
my mom is looking at me funny cause i'm laughing at a computer screen
you know just thinking back, junior year was so sucky, but we made some sickass friendships tho